Our Male Doberman – Codi


About the Breed

What is a European Doberman Male?

The European Doberman Male FCI standard is what we strive to abide and breed for. The European Male is a muscular built medium size strong dog. He has elegant lines with proud stature and a determined expression. The European Doberman Male size is 68-72cm at the withers and their weight is 40-45kg. The body of the European Doberman Male should appears to be almost square. The length of the body  from the shoulder to the buttock should not be more than 5% longer than the height from the withers to the ground in males. 

The European Doberman Male should have a friendly and calm disposition and be devoted to its family. He should have medium alertness and a medium threshold to irritation. The European Doberman Male is courageous, easy to train and has Strong working ability.

European Doberman Males should have an elastic, elegant, and agile gait. The front legs should reach out as far as possible while the hind quarters should reach far and produce sufficient elastic drive. While moving he should have good stability in the back, ligaments, and joints. 

The European Doberman Male skin should fit closely all over and have dark pigment. The FCI recognizes two colors for the european doberman male. Black & Rust and Brown & Rust.